Monday, January 23, 2006

Tantra Kama Sutra Sex For Men: How to Have Multiple Orgasms Part 1

For Men: How to Have Multiple Orgasms Part 1
Enabling a man to have multiple orgasms and keep his erection even after orgasm is simple. The problem is that learning how to do this is elusive. Many components are involved including, Tai Chi Breathing, Meditation, Chi Guiding, and finally Physical Stimulation. But we will start somewhere simple.

The answer begins with the corpus cavernosum urethræ. As a man, Yourself and your partner can practice this. After erect, stroke the kidney reflexology region of the penis at the same rate as your pulse (see illustration below... Tantra Sex ).

This will raise your pulse. You will also want the rest of your penis to be stimulated. When your pulse is as high as it can get without accellerating, move up to the liver region (the bottom half of erect penis) and repeat.

Finally, when you just cant take any more, move up to rub from the liver region to the stomach region. Do not touch the bulb or head of the penis. And stop rubbing the kidney part of the penis. Remember, you are ONLY rubbing the corpus cavernosum urethræ.

This lesson will teach the man to have an orgasm without contact to the head of the penis. This is anologous to a G-Spot Orgasm for a woman where the clitoris is NOT stimulated. The rubbing of the kidney part of the penis and the bulb will create higher ejaculation pressure. So avoiding those areas will help train you to distance your orgasm from your ejaculations.

Distancing and seperating your orgasm from your ejaculations is necessary because you will begin to learn how to have multiple orgasms without ejaculating. To Learn this ancient Taoist technique and deliver unusual pleasure to your partner, simply order the two part lecture for $19.00:

Taoist Sex Secrets Kama Sutra Tantra from Asia

How to Experience Transcendental Sex - Taoist and Tantric SexHow to Experience Transcendental Sex - Taoist and Tantric Sex

Tantric Sex - How to Have Transcendental Sex - $19 Premium Content

To experience everything on earth can require many lifetimes. To shorten the process of birth and rebirth into flesh or just the process of regretting missing out on life, You've got to get to a point where you can truly say, "I've done it all." Among those that have said this are Abraham and Solomon.

So to have a complete and full earthly carnal experience, there's a lot to learn and a lot more to do. Learning how to have explosive karmic sex is not a shabby place to go from here. Transcendental Sex is as much a spiritual experience as it is a physical one.

These esoteric sex teachings have the effect of bonding mates with a spiritual bond that exceeds the normal bonds of attraction common today. An interchange of energy occurs where you and your mate practice chi or pranic sex. This energy is the same energy that fuels intuition. You will begin to understand each other and empathise with each other in ways that bring the two of you together closer than you thought was humanly possible. Some couples report that they being to develop a "sixth sense" about what the other feels.

The only downside to Transcendental Chi / Prana Sex is that splitting up with a mate you've fused with becomes intensely painful.

Learning how to use the interconnectedness of the genitals and reproductive organs against your vital organs is an ancient secret. Zen and Taoist masters would only pass these secrets along to disciples who would be able to master these and not become addicted to these new powers.

So if you decide to listen to the Secret of Transcendental Sex, Be Warned and Be Conservative: